Science Interface
The "Institut Montefiore" is the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Liège. It was founded in 1883 as one of the first schools of electrical engineering in the world. Its mission is to provide high quality education at the undergraduate and graduate levels and to be a leading research center in selected fields of electrical engineering, computer science, and biomedical engineering.
Prof. Christophe Geuzaine, Prof. Patrick Dular and several scientists from this institute, developed the numerical library GetDP, what means "General Environment for the Treatment of Discrete Problems" starting in 1997 and used it extensively for electromagnetic analysis tasks and other disciplines. GetDP is an open source software that is also used by industry and science around the world.
GetDP, in an adapted, proved and extended version, forms the basis for the products 'Magnetics Base Solvers', 'Magnetics HF Solvers' and 'Magnetics Charged Particle Solvers'. Prof. Christophe Geuzaine and Prof. Patrick Dular, in partnership to Dr. Binde Engineers, develop this code starting from 2009. This development is mainly driven by demands from industrial customers and enriched by latest knowledge from science.
Second level support and high skill trainings in electromagnetics and their physics is done through Christophe Geuzaine, Patrick Dular and their scientific co-workers.
Publications showing directions of possible future developments are found on Google scholar and on ORBI, the open repository and bibliography site from the University of Liège.