Tutorial 4

AFEM Modeling of Motors

This tutorial shows how to model electric motors using the NX assembly fem method. This method allows to create meshes only for parts of the whole motor and then use those meshes multiple times in an assembly (AFEM). The next picture shows this situation: The file Stator_fem1.fem is created only once, but used several times in the AFEM file Motor_asm_assyfem1.afm.
imageimageimage Advantages of this method are

You can find the already completed model of the simple motor in this tutorial folder. Go through the following steps to become familiar with the main features:

  1. Download the model files for this tutorial from the following link:

  2. Open the file Motor_asm_sim1.sim.

  3. Make the CAD assembly part Motor_asm.prt the displayed part.

  4. Check in the assembly navigator the structure of this CAD assembly. It contains one segment of the rotor and one of the stator.

  5. Change the window to the file Rotor_fem1.fem. Check the contents of this file.

  6. Change the window to the file Stator_fem1.fem. Check the contents of this file.

  7. Change the window to the file Motor_asm_assyfem1.afm. Check the contents of this file

  8. Change the window to the Sim file Motor_asm_sim1.sim. Check the contents of this file.

The tutorial is complete.