Error Diagnostics

Some common error messages, usual problems and possible solutions are described in this chapter. A link to the mumps users guide is provided as follows.

MUMPS Equation Solver Messages

In many cases problems result from the equation solver. So, if the solution does not give any results, or all results are zero or infinity, then the feature ’Additional Logfile Output’ should be activated. This is done in the ’Solver Parameters’ (RMB on the solution) in register ’Numerical’. To make the button visible, first the ’Equation Solver’ must be set to ’MUMPS, direct (Default)’. With this feature activated the solver should be started again and there will be a large section of additional messages in the solver logfile. At the end of these messages check for INFOG(1) and INFOG(2). If these show negative values, this means an error occurred. Following is a list of usual messages, explanations and some workarounds: