Tutorial 2

Simple Rotor

In this tutorial we analyse a rotor that is moving between two permanent magnets. First we apply a forced speed of 5.000 turns per minute and then we analyse the free motion behaviour.
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Different techniques are shown here, so we use 2D as well as 3D modeling. And we use two different motion techniques for rotation: ’General Motion’, a feature that can be used for 3D rotation and translation. And the ’Moving Band’ technique, that is capable for 2D rotation only. Also we show free (dynamic) motion as well as enforced motion. Thus, the tutorial is split into four parts:

  1. 2D enforced,

  2. 2D dynamic,

  3. 3D enforced,

  4. 3D dynamic.

Two permanent magnets are positioned near the rotor. This leads to time dependent variations of the magnetic field and therefore eddy currents will appear in all electric conducting parts. In reality such eddy losses will lead to temperature rise, an effect that is neglected in this basic tutorial but could be simulated by a coupled thermal solution. Those eddy currents shall be displayed and resulting power loss shall be computed. The enforced analysis shall be done over 45 degrees, the dynamic one over a time period that allows observing the expected oscillations. The CAD models of both the 2D and 3D base on the same ’Skelett.prt’ file.

2D Enforced Driver

The following example a pure 2D example; and thus not designed to work in 3D. In this example, an iron rotor rotates between two permanent magnets. The example shows how to perform analysis’ that couple electromagnetics and mechanical movement. In the present scenario the motion is simulated with an enforced motion; however, it can also be simulated with dynamic motion. This is done in the next tutorial. Then, the movement would have one degree of freedom in the mechanical sense. The example is executed in 2D because of the shorter solution time but it would be similar in 3D as is shown in a further example.


Main goal is to model the enforced motion effect of the rotor. Other results like eddy currents can be requested additionally if desired.

Estimated time: 45 min.

Follow the steps to reproduce it:

  1. Download the model files for this tutorial from the following link:

  2. Open the part file ’rotor2D.prt’.

  3. Start Simcenter Pre/Post, create a new Fem and Sim file for 2D Electromagnetics.

  4. Switch to the Fem File.

  5. Switch to the Sim File.

  6. Assign a constraint of type ’Flux tangent (zero a-Pot)’ on the circular edge of the infinity air.

  7. Now create a new Simulation Object ’Enforced Motion 2D’. Use the type ’Revolute by Moving Band’. Hint: The type ’Revolute by General Motion’ would also work, but this would use a different motion technique.

  8. Solve the solution. The solution monitor indicates the progress and successful end.

  9. Plot the Magnetic Flux Density and observe the result. For a smoother display set the ’Combine At’ option at ’Edit Post View’ image to ’Nodes’ and at ’Average Across’ deactivate ’PID’.

  10. The plot with magnetic flux density, arrows and contour, then will look like the following for increment 1.

  11. Cycle through the time steps by using the green button ’Next Iteration’ image. Alternatively, use the ’Animation’ function and set the option ’Animate’ to ’Iterations’. If you want to see more movement repeat the solution with more time steps.

  12. Display the eddy current losses on the rotor. This graph shows nicely the eddy current effect when rotor and magnets move near to each other.

This ends the tutorial.

2D Dynamic Driver

The following example is a pure 2D example; and particularly is intended to be a follow-up example of the previous example ’Simple Rotor, Enforced’. In this example, the rotor oscillates between two permanent magnets. The example shows how to perform an analysis that couples electromagnetics and mechanical movement. In the present scenario the magnet is simulated with a dynamic motion. Here, the movement has one degree of freedom in the mechanical sense. The example is executed in 2D because of the shorter solution time but it would be quite similar in 3D.


Main goal is to find the oscillation behavior of the rotator. Other results like eddy currents can be requested additionally if desired.

Estimated time: 25 min

Follow the steps to reproduce it:

  1. Start from the previous example and clone the solution,

  2. then remove the enforced joint.

  3. Name the new Solution ’Dynamic’.

  4. Change to the Sim file, if not already there.

  5. Solve the Solution. This will take about 1 min.

  6. Now verify the oscillating behaviour of the rotor. To do so, open the results and display the ’Total Displacement’ of the dynamic joint as in the below picture.

  7. Also plot the graph showing the eddy current losses on the rotor.

  8. Then plot the Magnetic Flux Density.

This ends the tutorial.

3D Enforced Driver

In this example we will use an enforced driver and 3D geometry.

Estimated time: 1 h. The following picture shows the geometry and the named CAD bodies.

To set up the model, follow these steps:

  1. Download the model files for this tutorial from the following link:

  2. Open the file ’rotor3D.prt’.

  3. Switch to Simcenter Pre/Post

  4. Create a new FEM and Simulation. Choose Solver ’MAGNETICS’ and Analysis Type ’3D Electromagnetics’. Switch off the ’Create idealized Part’.

  5. Choose Solution Type ’Magnetodynamic Transient’. Name the solution ’Enforced’.

  6. Switch to the Fem file.

  7. Mesh the rotor:

  8. Mesh the two magnets:

  9. Mesh (2D) the three outside faces of the body ’AIR’.

  10. Now create 2D Surface Coat meshes on the parts:

  11. We want to have all collector names written to the corresponding physicals and meshes because this is easier to use. Therefore click the button ’Rename Meshes and Physicals from Collectors’ from the Magnetics toolbar.

  12. Next we create a new 3D mesh collector that will later hold the 3D air mesh. We will set up this collector in a way that it automatically updates the air mesh at every new rotor position. It will automatically use the ’Solid from Shell’ mesher, therefore it is necessary to have meshed the 2D border of this 3D air.

  13. Switch to the Sim-file.

  14. Create ’Simulation Object’ for the rotor movement:

  15. Model setup is now done. Save your parts, blank the meshes (maybe you leave the rotor mesh visible because this will nicely show the motion). Decrease the window size, because it will pop up to foreground at every time step.

  16. Solve the solution. This will take 5-10 minutes because of the 45 steps to run. A progress bar at the bottom of the Simcenter window shows the current and the remaining steps.

  17. The finishing of the solve is shown by the information window as below

  18. After the solve finishes you can post process the results.

  19. After this General Motion run the moving meshes are set to ’Locked’. If an update of the meshes to the original situation is desired, unlock the moving meshes and perform a mesh update.

The tutorial is complete.

3D Dynamic Driver

The completed Sim file, that resides in the tutorial folder, contains also a solution (named ’Dynamic’) with a dynamic joint. This can be used for further studies. (Set the ’Number of Time Steps’ to 100 before solving the complete period.) The following result graphs are made with a larger number of time steps. Of course, that solution needed much more time.
The following picture shows the resulting displacement of the previous 2D dynamic (blue) and the 3D dynamic (red) rotor.
image The next picture shows the resulting eddy current losses of the 2D dynamic (blue) and the 3D dynamic (red) rotor.
When comparing the 2D and 3D results one will find out that the simulated forces and torques are higher in the 3D case, even if the 2D is set to the same z thickness. Therefore, also the dynamic rotation speed becomes higher in 3D. This effect can be explained as follows: The magnetic forces appear mainly on the border faces between air and magnetic material. Because the 3D model has additional side faces, and these are used in the simulation, the forces here are higher. The following picture illustrates this: It shows the force distribution on the 3D rotor. It can be seen, that forces are not homogeneously distributed. At the side faces they are higher. Also the magnetic flux density result shows this effect. This is one reason why 3D simulations can be more realistic.

The tutorial is complete.