Acoustics of Transformer with Housing

In this example we want to analyse for the acoustics that result from magnetic forces on a transformer. There are three main steps to do:

First, in a time domain analysis we compute the magnetic forces that act on the transformer and its housing. In the second step, we transfer those forces into frequency domain by using a solution type that provides fourier transformation (FFT). In the last step we perform a Simcenter Nastran, vibro-acoustic simulation with the forces from magnetics.


Estimated time: 1.5 h.

Follow the steps:

Create Model for Magnetic Forces

  1. download and unzip the model files for this tutorial from the following link:

  2. Start Simcenter, click Open image and navigate to folder ’start’. Select the file ’TrafoHousingAcoustic.prt’ and click OK.

  3. Check the bodies and the air volume around the housing.

  4. Start application Pre/Post and click ’New Fem and Sim (Non-Manifold)’ from toolbar Magnetics image.

  5. Change the displayed part to the Fem part.

  6. Check the non-manifold faces: In ’Groups’, check that there is a group named ’non-manifold face’. Select the group and verify that the correct faces highlight. Such faces show the interfaces (matings) between two bodies. Here, the mesh must be conformal (identical nodes).

  7. Blank the AIR_EMAG and the HOUSING polygon bodies for easier visibility and selection.

  8. Use the tetrahedral mesher with following settings.

  9. Mesh the bodies and set the materials as shown in brackets.

  10. Finally, unblank the AIR_EMAG polygon body and mesh it in the same way.

  11. Define the coils:

  12. Set the displayed part to the Sim file.

  13. create a expression (shortcut Strg+E) for the main frequency that we want to use. Name it ’EM_Freq’, set the ’Dimensionality’ to ’Frequency’ and use 300 Hz as formula.

  14. Create a new Solution for the Magnetics solver. Solution Type is ’Magnetodynamic Transient’

  15. in register ’Output Requests’, ’Plot’, activate ’Nodal Force - entire (virtual)’.
    Hint: This is the necessary output for the following fourier-transformation and acoustic simulation. Other results can be activated also if desired.
    image image

  16. in register ’Table’, activate ’Total Force - entire (virtual)’ to allow post processing of these. image

  17. in register ’Time Steps’,

  18. Click Ok to finish the solution window.

  19. Edit the ’Solver Parameter’. In register ’General’, set the ’Result File Type’ to ’ascii’.
    Hint: the result will be written in readable ascii format now. This is necessary for the following fourier-transformation. As a disadvantage, the reading and writing of results will be slower as in the default binary setting.

  20. Create a constraint of type ’Flux Tangent’ on all 6 outside faces of the air volume.

  21. On each coil, create a load of type ’Current’.

  22. Save the Sim file

  23. Solve the Magnetics solution. The solve time will be approximately 5 min.

  24. Postprocess the results if desired.

  25. The following picture left shows the total forces in z on the core and on the housing. The right picture shows the Magnetic Fluxdensity in the core (Post View set to Combine at Elements).

Fourier-Transform Magnetic Forces

  1. from toolbar ’Acoustics and Vibration’ (maybe this toolbar is invisible, thus, make it visible first), Click on ’Model and Load Pre-processing’. A new solution will be created and visible in the Simulation-Navigator.

  2. Use the Windows file manager to rename the Magnetics results file-extension from ’bun’ to ’unv’.
    Hint: Our magnetics result file is now formatted with ascii type (we have requested that above). Normally, such files are then named with ’unv’ extension (universal file) but our file has still the extension ’bun’ (binary universal file). Thus, we must rename it for further usage. Maybe you must unload it in the postprocessor to allow Windows to rename it. Making a copy of the file also works.

  3. In the solution ’Model and Load Processing’, ’Add a Load’ for the ’Input File’.

  4. in the file browser, select the Magnetics results file (extension ’unv’)

  5. in box ’Unit System’, set ’Length’ to mm.

  6. click the ’Refresh’ button and verify that the data set ’Force’ is found.

  7. click OK.
    image image

  8. There is another unit setting that must also be changed: Edit the solution ’Model and Load Processing’ and set the ’Output File Units’ to (mN)(mm)(Kg)

  9. In the solution ’Model and Load Processing’, click ’Add Operation’ and select ’Time Signal Processing’.
    image image

  10. Set the properties as shown in the below picture. Click OK.
    image image

  11. Solve the solution ’Model and Load Processing’. The solve time is about 3 min.
    image image

  12. after the solve has finished, verify in the Windows file manager that there is a new file generated with extension ’results.sc_h5’.

Create Model for Acoustics

  1. In the Sim file, create a new solution,

  2. Create a constraint of type ’Fixed’ on one of the foot faces.

  3. Create a load of type ’Force from External File’


  4. Create Forcing Frequencies

  5. Prepare the Fem part for acoustics

  6. Create the acoustics mesh

  7. Create an Automatically Matched Layer (AML)

  8. Create microphone meshes

  9. change the displayed part to the Sim file.

  10. There are some errors in the mesh, which would not allow us to solve the solution. Therefor we can either fix those errors by using smaller element sizes or we can disable the mesh check from the solution. We are going to use the second option, since decreasing the element sizes exponentially increases the time it takes to solve.

    To disable the error check, edit the solution and change the ‘Geometry Check‘ in ‘Executive Control‘ to ‘None‘.


  11. solve the acoustic solution. The needed time is about 1.5h.

Postprocess Acoustic Results

  1. In the post-processor, open the result from the acoustic simulation

  2. choose the frequency 300 Hz and show the result ’Acoustic Pressure’

  3. Edit the Postview and in ’Result’, activate ’Apply dB Scaling’

  4. Measuring the sound pressure spectrum at one point

The tutorial is finished. Save your parts and close them.
